Event Calendar

A stay at Ruths Hotel is an exclusive form of indulgence that engages all the senses, no matter the time of year.

Naturally, this indulgence takes on different forms depending on the season.
Many of our guests, therefore, enjoy visiting Gl. Skagen multiple times throughout the year.
Below, you can find an overview of our scheduled events.

2025 – new experiences await...


Easter Lunch anno 2025

Easter in Gl. Skagen is filled with the spirit of spring, and in the Brasserie, we celebrate the season with an Easter lunch where the finest ingredients take center stage.


Seafood Evenings in July

Experience a lavish selection of both hot and cold dishes, where local ingredients and flavors from around the world come together in perfect harmony.

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Life & Joy in Week 29

All summer long, Gl. Skagen buzzes with life and the enjoyment of good living. However, there's one week when the atmosphere becomes even more festive.

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We look forward to hearing from you.

Hos Ruths Hotel er altid klar til at være behjælpelige. Så lad os endelig vide, hvad der måtte være af spørgsmål eller forespørgsler.

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98 44 11 24

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